Fabulosa Books
489 Castro Street, San Francisco, CA 94114
No upcoming date/times for this event.
TOGETHER, the Bay Area Queer Writers Association fourth annual anthology, is a benefit for a local Queer charity. This year, the anthology contains poetry and short stories from BAQWA members Michael Alenyikov, Liz Faraim, Wayne Goodman, Pat Henshaw, Richard May, Vincent Traughber Meis, R.L. Merrill, M.D. Neu, Rich Rubin, Jan Steckel, K.S. Trenten, and Sarah White.
The beneficiary forTOGETHER sales is the Solano Pride Center. Previous beneficiaries were the Billy DeFrank LGBTQ Community Center in San Jose, Lavender Library in Sacramento, and the Rainbow Community Center of Contra Costa County.
Michael Alenyikov is the author of two books: “Ivan and Misha” which won the
Northern California Book Award and was a Finalist for the Edmund White Award for
Debut Fiction and “Sorrow’s Drive”. His writing has appeared in: The Georgia Review, Foglifter, the Catamaran Literary Reader, the Best Gay Stories anthology, and other publications. He’s worked as a clinical psychologist and a cab driver.
Richard May has published four story collections: Gay All Year, Because of Roses,
Inhuman Beings, and Ginger Snaps. He is a member of the 18 th Street Writers and the Bay Area Queer Writers Association. Find Rick on Instagram at richard.may1313 and Facebook at richardmaywriter, where he publishes a daily story photo that inspires him to write, with the first few lines of the story included.
Rich Rubin has written fiction for decades. His book “The Day Before It Rained”
recently won both the Independent Author Award and Storytrade Award for best short story collection. He spent thirty years writing about travel, with over 1000 stories in print, and spent years as a theater director/producer. www.richrubinwriter.com
Jan Steckel’s fiction collection Ghosts and Oceans came out from Zeitgeist Press in 2023. Her poetry book The Horizontal Poet (Zeitgeist Press, 2011) won a 2012 Lambda Literary Award. Her books Like Flesh Covers Bone (Zeitgeist Press), Mixing Tracks (Gertrude Press) and The Underwater Hospital (Zeitgeist Press) also won awards.
Hanging out in her thirties, Sarah White is a bisexual, born and raised Bay Area native. Sarah writes queer culture and queer historical articles for a national LGBT magazine, is an LGBT activist, and a youth crisis counselor for the Trevor Project. Sarah's favorite part of being bisexual is being living proof that love and attraction are not binary; they are continuous, untamed, and pure in all forms. Sarah writes her poetry based on her real-life experiences of succeeding and failing at love as a bisexual woman in the 21st century.
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We will notify if we have to cancel due to illness or other emergencies. This happens very, very rarely. If you cannot make the event, we will hold your book for a month, after which you will have store credit for the amount paid for the book, including tax.